Creating Like the gods Using Your Crystal Clear Intentions

And in the beginning, there was intention.

A vibrational container, intention is both the road map that directs our path, and the vehicle in which we flow forward.  Our intentions drive for us, even when we are not looking.

Defined as an aim or plan, an intention is a thing intended.  The late Middle English origin of the word was intentio in Latin meaning stretching and purpose.  Our intention then is a focused aim which is stretching us toward something.  This “something” is inspired by some purpose that moves us.

The energy of our life is moved by our dominant intentions.  And yet, with so much going on in our lives, if someone asks us what our intention is, we may find it difficult to accurately define.

Wishy-washy intentions create diffused experiences and result in confusion and chaos.  As a result, the universe is often creating multiple contradictory streams on our behalf.

Getting crystal clear about our intentions is a savvy alchemical move.  It allows you to enjoy more positive and fulfilling movement in your life towards what you love, with more ease.

The Organizing Vehicle of Creation

Intention is where divine Intelligence (consciousness) and the will of an individual-being intersect to provide instructions for the flow of creation.

Today modern science is beginning to validate what spiritual masters and visionaries have understood—that our thoughts, beliefs, and intentions indeed affect the world we live in.  Our creative potential is far greater than we realize.  Whether we are aware of it or not, we are always at work creating our future. It’s best then to create something that we like or want.

In light of this, taking some time to set, or tease out, the intentions for our life will ensure that we do not haphazardly create, based solely on day-to-day survival or hidden fears.

Always Working for You, Even When You’re Not

Your intention is more powerful than the actions that you are, or are not, taking each day.  Simply put, your intention is carrying you forward, even when you are lying on your back kicking and screaming.

Have you ever noticed that when you look back at old to-do lists or vision boards, almost everything you wanted or intended has somehow materialized or is very close at hand?

Meanwhile, you probably spent quality time obsessing, freaking and complaining during those years about how you are not getting anything on your to-do list done and that you’re staying in the same place that you have been trying to leave.

I recently dusted off my vision binder from several years ago and as I flipped through was amazed to find that nearly every item on my list, and every image tacked, had already manifested or was in the process of manifesting to some degree now.

Considering that I spent quality time through those years very frustrated with my perceived lack of professional progress, while being consumed with the important job of being a mom to my son, this was a real revelation about the law of attraction and the power of intention.  All the while I thought I was getting nowhere, but my clearly defined intentions were moving me forward even without my realizing it.  In that moment I realized the power of my intentions alone, and was grateful for the positive and inspired intentions I had set for myself.

Creating Like the gods

As we grow in our spiritual evolution there is access to greater frequency.  With this added power comes added responsibility.

It is essential that we take the responsibility of advanced creation seriously.  Clear intentions, aligned with the will of Spirit and highest good, are the key to masterful and responsible creation.

In order to be an effective creator, I have found the following to be helpful:

–>Take time to clarify intentions for each area of your life: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual

–>Speak these out loud and write them down

–>Identify and start to eliminate cross-purposes that essentially cancel out or sabotage the dominant intentions

–>Activate intentions with positive emotion, inspiration, visualization and gratitude

–>Demonstrate active faith by taking small actions that are aligned with your dominant intentions

Sit Back & Enjoy the Ride

One of the simplest and most powerful things that we can do right now to create far-reaching change is to take time to get specific and sincere about the intentions we hold.  As creators we can use our untapped resources in this way to generate positive transition in our life and world.

As we look to create our new worlds filled with high-vibe creations, our intentions provide a framework.  A vision which guides our activities, thoughts, attitudes, and choices–our intentions also help us to course-correct when we get off-track.

Setting crystal-clear, positive and energized intentions can protect us by repelling all that is not in alignment while attracting toward us all that is a match in essence.

When our dominant intention is clear, positive and strong, much of the worry we experience each day is needless.  Despite the fact that it may feel like we are moving at a snail’s pace toward our desires, when we are riding in the strong, well-constructed vehicle of our intention we can rest assured that just like that forgotten to-do list from many years back, we are moving towards our destination, and we can sit back and enjoy the ride.